Step 1: Submit your CV, Letters of Recommendation, Academic Transcript
CV and Letters of Recommendation
Please upload a copy of your CV and Letters of Recommendation to the application below. If your letter writer prefers to send it directly to the National Office, it must be sent to scholarships@snpha.org. Please instruct your letter writers to include your name and the name of the scholarship in their email. If you want a letter to be applied to multiple scholarship applications, your letter writer must list all applicable scholarships in the email.
Official or Unofficial transcripts will be accepted. Electronic delivery is preferred. Electronic transcripts should be submitted in the application form below or delivered to scholarships@snpha.org. If physical transcripts must be used, they should be sent to PO Box 22305, Beachwood, OH 44122. You only need to submit one transcript regardless of how many scholarships you are applying for.
Step 2: Completed Application
Please note that all application materials must arrive by the scholarship deadline of May 31st 2024 at the end of day. Your registrar may have a delay in processing transcript requests, and there will be a longer delay if your transcript must be mailed. Please plan accordingly.
Award Notice
Scholarships will be announced at the scholarship awards session at the SNPhA/NPhA National Meeting. Students must be in attendance to receive the award. Honorees will not be informed prior to the awards session; applicants must be registered for National Meeting on time or they will not be considered for scholarships.
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