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NPhA provides its members and other interested individuals with a variety of opportunities to volunteer their time in support of NPhA's mission and organizational objectives. Volunteers are currently needed for the following committees for 2024-2026 leadership term:

Bylaws and Resolutions

About the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee

This Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, at least one from the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the Committee to ensure that ALL Bylaw amendments, resolutions, position papers and similar proposals are appropriate and ready for presentation to the Board of Directors and, subsequently, if necessary, to the House of Delegates. It is also the duty of the Committee to ensure that the proposed items are consistent with ASSOCIATION Bylaws and its Mission. The Bylaws and Resolutions Committee will hold open hearings during the Annual Meeting on matters brought before it, before deliberating in private on the items. A final Committee report will be presented to the Board of Directors before the second session of the House. The Committee will consider only resolutions and policy statements of a substantive nature affecting ASSOCIATION policy or the profession of Pharmacy, submitted 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting and will process them accordingly. Submissions within 30 days will be deliberated by a special meeting of the Board of Directors (Article IX. Section 6).


About the Finance Committee and Fundraising Subcommittee

This Committee shall report directly to the Board of Directors and consists of at least the following members: the President; the President-Elect; the Immediate Past President; the Executive Vice President; and the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve as its Chair. The Finance Committee shall prepare a budget for the forthcoming year and submit it to the Board of Directors for approval, review, assignment and monitoring of operations of the NPhA to assure that budget objectives are met and that appropriate changes thereto are made. The Committee will also review and assess the performance of investments and assets of the NPhA. They shall review all investment policies and financial policies of NPhA, oversee the responsibilities of the Treasurer, and oversee the financial operation of the NPhA.


About the Membership Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for developing a plan to increase membership and to keep current members. President-Elect shall serve as chair. The Committee is also responsible for maintaining and generating a computerized membership roster, by membership class, and for coordinating with the President, visits to the Zones or Chapters.


About the Nominating Committee

This Committee shall consist of three (3) members, one of whom shall be the Immediate Past President who shall serve as Chair. It shall be the duty of the Committee to solicit and receive nominations for the offices of President-Elect and Secretary; and to select, from such nominations, two candidates for each office, subject to the requirements set forth in these Bylaws. The Nominating Committee may nominate a person for the position of Honorary President when the occasion arises. The report of the Nominating Committee, together with appropriate biographical material on all nominees, shall be distributed to the Board of Directors no later than seventy-five (75) days prior to the start of the Annual Meeting. If a nomination for the office of Honorary President is included as part of the report, such nomination shall have prior approval of the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall present its report at the final session of the House of Delegates. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at this session, provided that the required printed biographical information which accompanies the nomination is of sufficient quantity as to be able to be distributed to all delegates. The House must approve the report of the Nominating Committee and the nominations made from the floor by a majority vote.

Continuing Pharmacy Education

About the Continuing Pharmacy Education Committee

This Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, including at least one faculty member from a College or School of Pharmacy and the person who is the designated continuing education administrator. It shall be the duty of the Program Committee to plan and coordinate the Continuing Pharmaceutical Education portion of the Annual Meeting along with the Executive Vice President and President. In addition, this committee shall oversee the recertification process to maintain accreditation as a continuing education provider.

Ongoing/Future Projects: Create a continuous Continuing Education Webinar program.

Convention Planning

About the Convention Planning Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for coordinating with the President and Executive Vice President recommended sites for future Annual Meetings and other activities. It is also the duty of this Committee to work actively with the local and/or state chapter(s) in making convention arrangements; to begin negotiations on accommodations, meeting rooms and other amenities; and to develop announcements with the Publicity Committee for the Annual Meeting. The committee plans all details around the convention schedule, and members are expected to attend and volunteer at the event to assist with onsite logistics.

New Practitioner Network

About the New Practitioner Network

This Committee shall be responsible for developing programs and initiatives to promote transition of SNPhA members into the Association. Additionally, the NPN should create and maintain programming that captures and supports the needs of pharmacy professionals within their first five years of their respective careers. This Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.

Visit the New Practitioner Network page for more information.

Clinical Initiatives

About the Clinical Initiatives Committee

This committee shall be responsible for updating the general membership regarding recent developments within designated clinical initiatives on a monthly basis. These updates will be sent to the general membership through the NPhA website as well as the NPhA newsletter as deemed necessary. The committee will also coordinate with the SNPhA Clinical Initiative Committee to support initiative projects.


About the Publicity Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for publicizing the activities of the Association, including the Newsletter (NPhA News) and Website, Annual Meeting announcement flyers, membership brochures and other such activities. The Secretary will serve as chair. It shall be the duty of the Publicity Committee to make known the activities of each state association, zone, College of Pharmacy and Affiliates and recognize individual member accomplishments.

Legislative and Regulatory Affairs

About the Legislative Committee

This committee shall be responsible for ensuring appropriate monitoring, lobbying and oversight regarding federal and state regulatory and legislative issues that could affect the ASSOCIATION and its members. This Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.

Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces

In addition to the committees listed above, the NPhA President has established the following ad hoc Committees and Task Forces for the 2024-26 leadership term:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Social 
  • International
  • Development
  • Proposal Management

Volunteers Needed!

Ready to volunteer? We invite you to click on the link below to provide more information regarding your background and to indicate your areas of interest.

Volunteer Interest Survey

Volunteer Sign-up Form

If you would like volunteer in one or more of the areas outlined above, please complete our volunteer interest survey.

Volunteer Interest Survey


The National Pharmaceutical Association is dedicated to representing the views and ideas of minority pharmacists on critical issues affecting healthcare and pharmacy, promoting racial and health equity, as well as advancing the standards of pharmaceutical care among all practitioners.




National Pharmaceutical Association

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