NPhA's bylaws allow for the establishment and chartering of state and local Chapters. There are a number of requirements that organizations must meet in order to become (and maintain their status as) NPhA Chapters. Jump to: Defining a ChapterNPhA's bylaws define a chapter as a geographic unit of the association recommended by the Zone Director and approved by the Association Board of Directors and the House of Delegates for charter and membership. A chartered chapter is an organizational entity granted membership and voting privileges and must comply with specific requirements set by the Board of Directors. Each chapter must elect officers, establish bylaws, maintain its own membership, and promote NPhA's goals within its designated territory. A group of five (5) NPhA members in good standing may petition for a chapter in an area lacking an existing NPhA chapter. Multiple chapter charters within one state may be considered, but chapters must be at least 100 miles apart. Additional chapter(s) must be recommended by the Zone Director and approved by the Board of Directors and the House of Delegates. A chapter is considered in good standing if it:
Chapter Development Workshop SeriesNPhA is working to establish new Chapters and reactivate legacy Chapters and affiliates. As part of this ongoing effort, NPhA is pleased to provide a Chapter Development Workshop series for existing local NPhA chapters and affiliates. The purpose of the series is to provide additional guidance and an open forum to local chapter officers and members to increase sustainability of local chapters. Interested in attending? Contact us for more information.
Renew Chapter StatusEach year, existing NPhA Chapters must submit an annual report, a membership roster, information on current leaders, and updated governance documents to remain in good standing. Once this information has been received an approved, Chapters will be assessed their annual renewal fee. Upload Chapter InformationApply for Chapter CharterAre you ready to petition for a Chapter in your geographic area? The first step is to reach out to your NPhA Zone Director. Visit this page to identify the Zone Director for your area and to get their contact information. Before you reach out, please be sure that you can (or will soon be able to) answer "yes" to all of the following: