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Under NPhA's Bylaws, the House of Delegates is charged with determining the policies of the Association. This page collects and provides information on the resolutions adopted by the NPhA House of Delegates since 2011. 

Education and Licensure

 Year  Resolution
2024 2024.4 NPhA & SNPhA support the implementation of elective curriculum, mentorships, and resources to help aid in increasing financial literacy amongst student pharmacists and pharmacists to improve quality of life, combat burnout, and help alleviate stress tied to financial burdens.
2024 2024.1 NPhA & SNPhA encourage improving educational opportunities for students by incorporating professional training to better understand different presentations of pain and help deliver equitable care narrowing the gap due to racial disparities.
    2023 2023.17 NPhA and SNPhA support pharmacists, student pharmacists and other healthcare professionals educating high schools on the importance of naloxone availability and proper usage.
      2023 2023.26 NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support the inclusion of education on managed care mechanisms and policies with an emphasis on medication pricing as part of the PharmD curriculum.
        2023 2023.19 NPhA and SNPhA support the development and implementation of continuing education courses for all pharmacists and pharmacy students nationwide to have the tools to safely and effectively prescribe birth control as state laws allow.
          2021 2021.02 NPhA & SNPhA support qualified pharmacy technicians administration of vaccines, as permitted by individual state practice acts, providing pharmacists additional time to interact with patients.
          2020 2020.1 NPhA and SNPhA support the establishment and implementation of dual degree programs that will enable pharmacy students to earn an MBA, MPH, PhD, or MD in addition to a PharmD degree.
          2020 2020.2 NPhA snd SNPhA support, in order to combat fatal opioid overdoses, the dispensing of naloxone and the patient education pertaining to its use with every opioid prescription that exceeds 7 days of continuous use.
          2020 2020.4 NPhA and SNPhA encourages pharmacy student and professional involvement with healthcare technology development through various modalities including, but not limited to, research, course electives, experiential learning, and organizational workshops
          2020 2020.16 NPhA and SNPhA supports the development and delivery of medical cannabis case based courses and an accredited ceritification for inclusion  in the pharmacy school curricula.
          2020 2020.17 NPhA and SNPhA support events such as Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training that provides practical education as well as resource information to student pharmacists about suicide prevention
          2019 2019.8 NPhA and SNPhA support promoting awareness on Value-Based Care and other pertaining topics including, but not limited to: Population Health, Healthcare Quality, and Healthcare Metrics into the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum to ensure that student pharmacists are adequately prepared for the expanding pharmacist role in the future.
          2019 2019.10 NPhA and SNPhA encourages advocating for legislation, such as the Maternal CARE Act & and the Maternal Health Accountability Act, that addresses the aforementioned disparity.
          2019 2019.36 NPhA and SNPhA supports and encourages pharmacists to inform patients and prescribers about the availability of affordable brand/generic epinephrine drug options in the US market and the correct process by which to obtain them.
          2018 2018.1 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage communication between pharmacy schools and undergraduate schools with diverse student bases to endorse programs for minority representation in academia. NPhA & SNPhA champion initiatives that tackle this issue by promoting awareness and providing guidance to encourage more minority students towards a career path in academia through training or mentorship events focused on addressing this situation.
          2018 2018.2 - In order to combat the national devastation created by this epidemic, NPhA & SNPhA support the incorporation of training in the use and administration of opioid antagonists, specifically Naloxone, as part of the pharmacy school curriculum.
          2017 2017.1 - NPhA & SNPhA support the inclusion of cultural competency in pharmacy school education and the exposure of student pharmacists to diverse patient populations through community service and experiential learning.NPhA & SNPhA also encourage feasible international immersion program expansion opportunities to all pharmacy schools to further advance student's cross-cultural competency.
          2017 2017.2 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage and support pharmacists to be informed on current laws regarding health care in the United States, NPhA & SNPhA also encourage and support pharmacists to provide information and resources regarding any changes in healthcare laws to patients.
          2017 2017.3 - NPhA & SNPhA support implementation of the Controlled Substance Database to help minimize fraud and abuse of controlled substances in addition to the implementation by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) of prescription tracking on a national level in order to reduce prescription medication abuse
          2016 2016.1 - NPhA and SNPhA encourages all pharmacy schools to offer education and/or training in regards to understanding the insurance system, including benefits for the patient, adjudication, and resolution of denials
          2016 2016.2 - NPhA and SNPhA encourages the incorporation of a substance abuse class in the Pharm.D. program to inform students of the occupational hazard and risk of substance abuse associated with easy access to controlled substances in order to help retain the trust for the profession and prevent the likeliness of abusing these medications.
          2016 2016.3 - NPhA and SNPhA supports expanding pharmacogenomic educational opportunities by encouraging schools of pharmacy to offer these courses for their students to become more exposed, well-versed, and proficient in conveying relevant pharmacogenomics-based information to patients in their curriculum through didactic and experiential educational opportunities. This will better prepare student pharmacists for future pharmacogenomic encounters in pharmacy practice.
          2016 2016.4 - NPhA and SNPhA agree that Resolution 2005.2 should be repealed.
          2016 2016.5 - NPhA and SNPhA encourages ACPE reassessment of industry shortage and urges institutions to carefully reassess any plans for expanding or creating a Pharm.D. program. NPhA and SNPhA encourages ACPE to thoroughly evaluate the number of quality experiential sites available to students when considering the creation of a new Pharm.D. program.
          2015 2015.1 - NPhA and SNPhA support the implementation of elective curricular pathways that will enable students to earn a PharmD/MBA, PharmD/MPH, and other dual degree programs in colleges and schools of pharmacy. 

          Initiatives and Community Service

          Year  Resolution
          2024  2024.6 NPhA & SNPhA affirm their commitment to actively engage in efforts to address the unhoused populations as a public health issue and advocates for policies that prioritize housing stability and healthcare access for the unhoused population; and 

          NPhA & SNPhA encourage their members to participate in outreach programs, collaborate with community organizations, advocate for increased funding, and utilize their skills and knowledge as future pharmacists to contribute to the healthcare and well-being of the unhoused populations.
          2024 2024.5 NPhA & SNPhA support efforts to promote health education on different types of cancer, cancer prevention, cancer treatment, how cancer treatment can impact patient care and caregivers, and management of cancer with other comorbid conditions in underserved populations; and

          NPhA & SNPhA aim to provide patients with local resources of low to no cost cancer prevention screenings, increasing accessibility of these screenings to underserved populations; and

          NPhA & SNPhA hereby adopt “Combating Cancer” as a National Initiative and charges SNPhA membership with the promotion of pertinent issues, fostering of national and international partnerships, coordination of local and national events, and collection and maintenance of adequate records to an extent benefitting the other Initiatives.
          2023  2023.22 NPhA & SNPhA supports the expansion of the Bridging the Gap initiative mentoring opportunities to pharmacy students seeking to expose middle school, high school and undergraduate students to the profession of pharmacy.
          2022  2022.11 NPhA & SNPhA support events that promote awareness about maternal mortality disparities; and Encourage advocating for legislation, such as the Maternal CARE Act, the Maternal Health Accountability Act & Black Maternal Health Accountability Act of 2021, that addresses the aforementioned disparity
          2022  2022.6 NPhA & SNPhA support the education of our students on the impact of increased environmental exposures on children of underserved communities; and Support Children’s Environmental Health Day on the second Thursday of every October.
          2022 2022.12 NPhA & SNPhA encourage educating communities and student pharmacists about eating disorders and tools, including, but not limited to, the National Eating Disorder Association screening tool, to educate and serve more patients.
           2021 2021.41 NPhA & SNPhA support access to affordable childcare, healthcare, education, and basic needs for ALL children; and
          Support decreasing the percentage of children living in poverty and overcoming the negative effects of childhood poverty via chapter outreach and collaboration with community organizations, childhood poverty initiatives, legislative officials, and families/children in need.
          2021 2021.18 NPhA & SNPhA support efforts to educate its members, health practitioners and the underserved communities on health literacy disparities and encourages the implementation and promotion of basic health literacy through all of its initiatives and programs; and encourage increased student and professional awareness of Health Insurance Literacy disparities among patients, supports efforts to create and share related resources, and promotes the education of underserved populations regarding necessary Health Insurance Literacy.
          2020 2020.5 NPhA & SNPhA support the development of a national outreach initiative that aims to slow the progression of chronic pulmonary disease states through patient medication education, teaching proper inhaler techniques, and offering smoking cessation counseling.
          2020 2020.19 NPhA & SNPhA encourage increased student and professional awareness of autoimmune disorders, supports the implementation of autoimmune disorder education, and supports identifying risk factors in such underserved communities; and will work with the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) to identify March as National Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month. 
          2019 2019.7 NPhA and SNPhA encourages increased student awareness of women’s health needs, supports efforts to promote available resources, promotes the education of overall reproductive health, prenatal care, proper contraceptive use, and preventative care in underserved populations around the world;

          Similarly, NPhA and SNPhA hereby observes the week following Mother’s Day as National Women’s Health Week set forth by the Department of Human Service’s Office of Women’s Health.
          2017 2017.4 - NPhA & SNPhA supports a more widespread promotion and education of mental illness and the benefits of treatment for underrepresented populations through involvement in initiatives such as National Mental Health Awareness Week, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, and Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.
          2017 2017.5 - NPhA & SNPhA support the national campaign to provide education and counseling regarding both contraception and emergency contraception use, along with information on how to receive these at no cost to the patient.
          2017 2017.6 - NPhA & SNPhA support a concerted effort among all pharmacy schools to actively participate in their local communities and provide an education about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and abuse, the importance of medication storage and disposal, and dispel the misconception that prescription drugs are a “safe” way to get high. NPhA & SNPhA additionally encourage pharmacy students and pharmacists to specifically aim for the most vulnerable members of society through a myriad of ways; such as, but not limited to, health fairs, classroom presentations, lock-ins, and latch-key programs.
          2017 2017.7 - NPhA & SNPhA support and aim to increase collaboration between these and other like-minded organizations in order to further advance our common mission and impact a greater number of those in need.
          2017 2017.23 - NPhA & SNPhA support efforts to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness, NPhA & SNPhA also support efforts to promote effective utilization of available health services and medication therapy for patients with mental illness, and NPhA & SNPhA hereby adopt “Mental Health” as a SNPhA National Initiative and charges SNPhA membership with the promotion of pertinent issues, fostering of national and international partnerships, coordination of local and national events, and collection and maintenance of adequate records to an extent befitting the other National Initiatives.
          2016 2016.6 - NPhA and SNPhA supports a partnership with the American Lung Association concerning, but not limited to: smoking cessation and tobacco prevention. NPhA and SNPhA supports education and training through the American Lung Association for pharmacists and student pharmacists to further develop counseling skills that will benefit patients.
          2016 2016.7 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the inclusion of cultural competency education in the pharmacy curriculum, and the exposure of student pharmacists to diverse patient populations through community service and experiential learning.
          2016 2016.8 - NPhA and SNPhA supports a more widespread promotion and education of mental illness and the benefits of treatment for underrepresented populations through involvement in National Mental Health Awareness Week, the first full week of October.
          2016 2016.9 - NPhA and SNPhA supports pharmacists proactively identifying patients who may benefit from smoking cessation interventions and providing support and information regarding smoking cessation. NPhA and SNPhA encourages pharmacists and pharmacy corporations to cease the sale of tobacco products, including electronic nicotine delivery systems, within pharmacies. NPhA and SNPhA encourages FDA regulation of electronic cigarettes and the need for clinical research on its effectiveness and potential place in smoking cessation therapy.
          2016 2016.10 - NPhA and SNPhA encourages the distribution of complete and unbiased drug information to patients from third party vendors to provide patients with the tools to play an integral role in the drug utilization process and attain a better understanding of their disease states.
          2016 2016.11 - NPhA and SNPhA supports prescriptive authority to all pharmacists in the United States to prescribe self-administered hormonal contraceptives to qualifying patients in order to provide safe, educated, and unbiased access to healthcare services.
          2015 2015.2 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage pharmacists to provide community education on how to prepare for all-hazards emergencies. 

          Medication Information and Regulations

           Year  Resolution
          2024 NPhA & SNPhA support legislative efforts to promote competition in drug markets to continue to strive for low drug prices for underserved patients; and 

          NPhA & SNPhA support legislative efforts such as the Food and Drug Administration’s Drug Competition Action Plan, as an example of a measure that promotes drug competition, thus reducing drug prices for underserved patients.
          2024 NPhA & SNPhA support the updating and expansion of programs designed to reduce the development and presence of drug-resistant microbes and maintain the efficacy of antimicrobial drugs.
          2021 2021.32 NPhA & SNPhA support the FDA’s regulation towards the manufacture, import, packaging, labeling, advertising, promotion, sale, and distribution of ENDS, including components and parts of ENDS, to aid in decreasing the percentage of U.S. youth using ENDS.
          2020 2020.9 NPhA & SNPhA support the implementation of safety syringes and auto disable syringes as first choice medical injections in all areas of health practice to reduce unnecessary exposure to diseases known to be transmitted through contaminated injecting equipment.
          2019 2019.32 NPhA and SNPhA supports the development of education in the area of pharmacy-based delivery of long acting injectables.
          2018 2018.3 - NPhA & SNPhA support the reclassification of cannabis and cannabinoids from the list of Schedule I substances to a less prohibitive DEA schedule. NPhA & SNPhA support the need for expanding clinical research on medicinal uses of cannabis and cannabinoids, pertaining to efficacy and safety of the drug.
          2017 2017.8 - NPhA & SNPhA support the FDA’s recommendation that pharmaceutical companies remove from the drug labels the use of feed-grade antimicrobials for production purposes. NPhA & SNPhA also support the FDA's recommendation to change the marketing status of medically important feed-grade antimicrobials from over-the-counter to prescription only status, increasing veterinary oversight on the use of antimicrobials in livestock.
          2017 2017.9 - NPhA & SNPhA support the need for expanding clinical research on medicinal uses of marijuana, pertaining to efficacy and safety of the drug.
          2017 2017.10 - NPhA & SNPhAsupport the continued existence of the FDA approval pathways and standards for biosimilars to ensure their safety, efficacy, and availability as lower cost alternatives for patients, NPhA & SNPhA encourage and support postmarketing surveillance of safety and efficacy outcomes of biologic products and biosimilars with respect to diverse and minority populations.
          2017 2017.11 - NPhA & SNPhA support and encourage pharmacist to inform patients and prescribers about the availability of affordable brand/generic epinephrine drug options in the US market.
          2017 2017.12 - NPhA & SNPhA support any state or organization that strives to attain provider status for pharmacists in other states or for all pharmacists in the United States in general. NPhA & SNPhA also support timely and appropriate reimbursement for these services rendered by pharmacists, and will support the adoption and use of similar protocols and reimbursement programs in states where pharmacist provider status has been obtained, when deemed safe and appropriate.
          2017 2017.13 - NPhA & SNPhA support the concept of restoring invisible and abandoned trials (RIAT) to improve trial publication practices and lessen bias when analyzing clinical trial data.
          2016 2016.12 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the role of pharmacists in expanding community access to naloxone to prevent opioid overdose deaths and advocates for policies that allow naloxone dispensing per protocol or standing order, and NPhA and SNPhA supports the training of pharmacists and student pharmacists in the dispensing of naloxone via protocol or standing order to prepare them for their future role in this important harm reduction activity. This resolution will replace 2015.15. 
          2016 2016.13 - While NPhA and SNPhA continues to support the rights of pharmacists to exercise their professional judgment, SNPhA supports policies that prohibit pharmacists from refusing to dispense medications based on religious or personal beliefs. NPhA and SNPhA supports repealing Resolution 2013.48.
          2016 2016.14 - NPhA and SNPhA encourages the availability of point-of-care testing in community pharmacies as states allow, performed by pharmacists and/or pharmacy interns to improve patient outcomes in such infectious diseases and prevent further antibiotic resistance.
          2016 2016.15 - NPhA and SNPhA supports legislation that offers affordable healthcare coverage to all persons living in the United States.
          2016 2016.16 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the FDA's decisions to reduce the acetaminophen limit to 325 mg per prescription dose and the new requirement of a boxed warning on both over the counter and prescription acetaminophen-containing products.
          2016 2016.17 - NPhA and SNPhA supports an increase in and enforcement of laws, and regulations, regarding marketing and availability of non-regulated nicotine delivery systems to both adults and minors.
          2016 2016.18 - NPhA and SNPhA encourages individual state prescription drug monitoring programs to allow access to student pharmacists so as to further the ultimate goal and support patient safety. Additionally, NPhA and SNPhA supports the exchange of prescription drug monitoring information between all states.
          2015 2015.19 - NPhA and SNPhA support all legislation naming pharmacists as healthcare providers, including but not limited to underserved areas where pharmacists can demonstrate their utility as outlined in The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act. 
          2015 2015.20 - NPhA and SNPhA promote campaigns to raise awareness to legislators about the different patient-centered services that pharmacists provide and encourages that current legislation be amended to include pharmacists as nationally recognized healthcare providers. 
          2015 2015.21 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage the reporting of adverse reactions to herbal medications to the FDA Med Watch system. 
          2015 2015.22 - NPhA and SNPhA support and encourage USP standards and FDA’s Compounding Quality Act for sterile conditions in pharmaceutical compounding. 
          2015 2015.23 - NPhA and SNPhA strongly support the utilization of prescription drug monitoring programs in ALL states that are being overseen by their respective state board of pharmacy (as appropriate) to ensure legitimate medical use of controlled substances while tracking use and abuse trends. 
          2015 2015.24 - NPhA and SNPhA support the implementation of NASPER, which encourages the formation of a uniformed and centralized nation-wide data-sharing platform to further optimize patient safety and care. 

          Patient Care and Counseling

          Year  Resolution
          2024  2024.15 NPhA & encourages and supports the expansion of charitable pharmacy services into every state by encouraging each state to contain at least one physical charitable pharmacy location, including both stand-alone locations and within existing health systems; and
            NPhA & SNPhA encourages pharmacies and manufacturers to donate excess, unused medication to charitable pharmacy locations before they expire and supports educating pharmacists nationwide on these services.

            2024.13 NPhA & NPhA encourages chapters to educate students on the impact point of care testing has on serving patients in underserved areas; and NPhA & SNPhA supports continued efforts for expansion of pharmacists point of care testing and prescriptive treatment services in all 50 states;

            and NPhA & SNPhA encourage pharmacists to complete a professional point of care test and treat certification, with special emphasis of providing such test and treat services in underserved areas.

            2022 2022.2 NPhA & SNPhA support the collaboration between pharmacists, student pharmacists, and translational personnel to take full advantage of pharmacy translating services to provide patient-specific interpretation for improving adherence and outcomes at all points in the patient-centered care process.
            2022 2022.18 NPhA & SNPhA encourage programs that focus on education for immigrant and refugee populations on navigating the American healthcare system, including but not limited to the basics of using a pharmacy, insurance, and utilizing over-the-counter medications; and Support the development of education courses for pharmacists and pharmacy students to understand and be able to communicate common terms for non-English-speaking patients by offering a language course into pharmacy school curriculum, identifying external resources that would enhance regional language needs, as well as offering continuing education courses expanding on language competency.
            2022 2022.22 NPhA & SNPhA support the provision of education to pharmacists, student pharmacists, and technicians regarding what conversion therapy is and the impact it has on our communities; and Support legislation banning conversion therapies in all US states and territories including, but not limited to, prohibiting the use of pharmacotherapy agents in conversion therapy efforts.
            2022 2022.30 NPhA & SNPhA support the expansion of the role of the pharmacist in the terms of prescriptive authority, in all US states and territories, regarding smoking cessation products, in order to provide more accessible smoking cessation therapy to underserved communities.
            2021 2021.09 NPhA & SNPhA support all pharmacists in the community setting use methods, such as “QuEST/SCHOLAR-MAC,” to interview patients who inquire about over-the-counter medications in order to ensure that self-care is appropriate.
            2020 2020.10 NPhA & SNPhA supports the use and dispensing of oral syringes, as the gold standard dosing tool for dispensing with each liquid medication. NPhA & SNPhA strongly recommends that pharmacists provide education and a hands-on demonstration of appropriate administration technique to patients, parents, and caregivers.
            2020 2020.11 NPhA & SNPhA support inclusion of medication to assist in the treatment of OUD; and support initiatives to expand patient access to medications used to treat OUD.
            2020 2020.26 NPhA & SNPhA encourages the use of assistive technologies and services to improve care for the Deaf/deaf, that may include, but is not limited to, closed-captioning on visual aids and, whenever feasible, access to American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters at SNPhA-sponsored events.
            2019 2019.1 NPhA and SNPhA encourage all colleges of pharmacy to incorporate in their curriculum on gender affirming hormone therapy and medical services.
            2019 2019.30 NPhA and SNPhA support the implementation of education related to cancer prevention, early detection, and high-quality treatment in an effort for minority groups to have continued improvements in awareness of and access to healthcare services for minority and underserved communities.
            2019 2019.38 NPhA and SNPhA support and encourages pharmacy staff to use each patient’s preferred pronouns when communicating with them, and to incorporate this preference within a readily-visible area of the patient’s electronic health record and any applicable, site-specific information management systems.
            2018 2018.7 - NPhA & SNPhA strongly encourage pharmacists and student pharmacists to participate in education and intervention programs, such as “Brown Bag” programs, to reduce polypharmacy. NPhA & SNPhA encourage and supports an increase of geriatric pharmacotherapy education within the didactic curriculum of pharmacy schools to ensure students are equipped with the knowledge to provide optimal patient care to the geriatric population.
            2018 2018.8 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage pharmacy health professionals to educate patients with chronic diseases on the use, and importance of, patient self-monitoring devices and telemedicine.
            2017 2017.14 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage hospital pharmacists to perform medication reconciliations and prepare a follow-up plan at every discharge within health care systems to prevent adverse drug reactions and hospital readmission. NPhA & SNPhA also encourage community pharmacists to perform medication therapy management (MTM) services, more patient counseling, and patient follow-ups.
            2017 2017.15 - NPhA & SNPhA believe health programs and insurers should provide equal access to healthcare and insurance coverage regardless of an individual’s sex, treat individuals in accordance with their gender identity, should not deny or limit sex-specific health services solely because an individual’s recorded gender does not align with the sex that usually receives those services. NPhA & SNPhA support the fair and equitable distribution of healthcare access, including medication, surgery, and other treatments, for the transgender population. NPhA & SNPhA also support the removal of all discriminatory gender edit legislation from current and future health care law.
            2017 2017.16 - NPhA & SNPhA support and encourage handicap accessibility at the pharmacy, including, but not limited to, drop-off and pick-up windows and counseling areas.
            2017 2017.17 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage pharmacists to provide each patient with an optional current list of medications on a Prescription Medication Drug card, that at least includes dose, strength, and date prescribed; in addition to education on their medications to improve patient knowledge and health literacy.
            2015 2015.3 - NPhA and SNPhA support and encourage pharmacists to take an active role in helping patients obtain crucial information concerning patient assistance programs. 
            2015 2015.4 - NPhA and SNPhA support the national campaign to provide education and counseling regarding both contraception and emergency contraception use. 
            2015 2015.5 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage pharmacists and student pharmacists to reach out to eligible patients and inform them of the MTM services offered. 
            2015 2015.6 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage pharmacists and student pharmacists to obtain additional certification in HIV/AIDS screening and counseling to ensure optimum outcomes for patient care. 
            2015 2015.7 - NPhA and SNPhA support the expansion of student pharmacists’ involvement in HIV/AIDS awareness, especially for patients at high risk for transmission, by being a resource for counseling and testing where state laws allow. 
            2015 2015.8 - NPhA and SNPhA support pharmacists and student pharmacists to be well informed on the proper ways to dispose unused/expired prescription drugs; and encourage pharmacists and student pharmacists to educate their patients on the proper ways to dispose unused/expired prescription drugs according to the current federal laws and guidelines. 
            2015 2015.9 - NPhA and SNPhA support pharmacy practice sites to use patient-friendly educational materials (PEMs) to enhance interaction with such patients with limited English proficiency. 
            2015 2015.10 - NPhA and SNPhA support the inclusion of pharmacists and student pharmacists in patient discharge and follow-up programs to best improve patient outcomes. 
            2015 2015.11 - NPhA and SNPhA support increased awareness of mental health and commitment to the implementation of such services to improve overall health of the patient. 

            Professional Practice

             Year  Resolution
            20242024.22 NPhA & SNPhA support the introduction of regulatory measures to establish state-mandated minimum and maximum pharmacist-to-technician and pharmacist-to-intern ratios, thereby promoting a balanced, sustainable, and supportive working environment for pharmacy staff.
            2023 2023.7 NPhA and SNPhA support legislation from the states and outlying territories to allow interns to immunize after they complete a certified training program and operate under the supervision of a pharmacist.
            2021 2021.35 NPhA & SNPhA support the position that the completion of an ASHP-accredited postgraduate-year-one residency be encouraged for all new college or school of pharmacy graduates who will be providing direct patient care; and Support PGY1 and PGY2 residencies in geographically underserved areas to provide clinical experience for pharmacists, with a focus on the healthcare needs of minoritized populations.
            2021 2021.39 NPhA & SNPhA support the integration of evidence-based drug-gene testing in contemporary clinical pharmacy practice and supports the utilization of pharmacogenomic services to enhance individualization of patient care and improve clinical outcomes.
            2019 2019.14 NPhA and SNPhA is dedicated to providing education to minority communities to ease any distrust of clinical trials and the importance of being a part of trials in order to better serve the health of their population and communities. 
            2019 2019.46 NPha and SNPhA support the utilization of pharmacists as medication experts with unique skills to fill the gaps in primary healthcare, through mobile integrated health and community paramedicine programs that advance toward health equity within the community they serve.
            2018 2018.4 - NPhA & SNPhA support the development of an “NPhA Recruitment Program” at the chapter level to increase the matriculation of newly graduating pharmacists into NPhA.
            2018 2018.5 - NPhA & SNPhA support pharmacists being proactive in identifying patients who may benefit from smoking cessation interventions and providing support and information regarding smoking cessation. NPhA & SNPhA encourage pharmacists and pharmacy corporations to cease the sale of tobacco and tobacco related products (e-cigarettes) within pharmacies.
            2018 2018.6 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage legislation to expand practice for all student pharmacists in all 50 states and outlying territories to administer immunizations upon certified training and under pharmacist supervision.
            2017 2017.18 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage a focus on educating the targeted susceptible populations on preventative measures in dealing with Hepatitis C, including, but not limited to, providing affordable screenings for the communities.
            2017 2017.19 - NPhA & SNPhA support pharmacists’ decision in the provision of syringes without a prescription and encourages the pharmacists who choose not to, to refer patients to alternate resources. NPhA & SNPhA also support to nationally standardize SSPs and to provide patients with information on locations where they may purchase and safely dispose sterile syringes through these programs.
            2017 2017.20 - NPhA & SNPhAadvocate for pharmacists and student pharmaciststo take a more proactive role in emphasizing the need for lifestyle modifications in the form of a nutritious, balanced diet and physical exercise, supplementary to medication therapy. NPhA & SNPhA also support pharmacists and student pharmacists in their mission to help patients in underserved areas find resources regarding lifestyle modifications.
            2017 2017.21 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage its members to work with their schools to expose students to opportunities other than traditional pharmacy roles through various outlets, including, but not limited to, pharmacist mentorship programs, experiential learning, and professional organizations.
            2016 2016.19 - NPhA and SNPhA advocates for legislative provisions and supports use of healthcare delivery methods such as Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) as endorsed by The Alliance of Pharmaceutical Care, to maximize pharmacists’ active role in achieving optimal patient care outcomes. NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support the need for additional clinical research on outcomes of pharmacist impact in collaborative practice agreements.
            2016 2016.20 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the establishment of professional development seminars for its members at the Chapter level that may be in collaboration with or hosted by faculty, practicing pharmacists, and/or alumni.
            2016 2016.21 - NPhA and SNPhA supports connecting pharmacists and student pharmacists with the necessary state recovery network programs for prescription drug abuse.
            2016 2016.22 - NPhA and SNPhA support the expansion of the scope of pharmacy practice by including HIV/AIDS disease prevention, testing, and management and also the expansion of student pharmacists’ involvement in HIV/AIDS awareness, especially for patients at high risk for transmission, by being a resource for counseling and testing where state laws allow. NPhA and SNPhA encourages pharmacists and student pharmacists to obtain additional certification in HIV/AIDS screening and counseling to ensure optimum outcomes. NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support pharmacy settings to provide confidential point of care HIV testing, counseling and resource dissemination.
            2015 2015.12 - NPhA and SNPhA support the development, implementation, and involvement of student pharmacists and pharmacists in naloxone administration laws and programs in all 50 states. 
            2015 2015.13 - NPhA and SNPhA support pharmacies across the nation having separate filling trays for sulfa, penicillin and chemotherapeutic formulations; and that personal protective equipment should be worn by: 1) Anybody filling radioactive pharmacotherapeutic drugs; 2) Females of child-bearing age filling medications requiring “Risk Summary” labeling. 
            2015 2015.14 - NPhA and SNPhA support and encourage the report of vaccine errors to VERP and vaccine-related adverse events to VAERS. 
            2015 2015.15 - NPhA and SNPhA support the practice of professionalism by pharmacists and student pharmacists on any public platform, including but not limited to, interactions on social media and in point-of-care. 
            2015 2015.16 - NPhA and SNPhA advocate for a legislative provision that allows for Pharmacist-Prescriber Collaborative Practice Agreements in all states and US territories nationwide; and encourage and support the need for additional clinical research on outcomes of pharmacist impact in collaborative practice agreements. 
            2015 2015.17 - NPhA and SNPhA support the establishment of mentoring programs at colleges and schools of pharmacy. 
            2015 2015.18 - NPhA and SNPhA support taking initiative to educate students about what pharmacists can accomplish with provider status and also to encourage all students to be actively involved in advocating for the profession. 

            Technology and Support Services

            Year   Resolution
            2024 2024.23 NPhA & SNPhA emphasize the importance of understanding and mitigating the risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) in pharmacy; and

            NPhA & SNPhA advocate for maintaining a balanced approach that incorporates AI advancements while prioritizing irreplaceable human judgment and interaction in pharmacy practice.


            2023.21 NPhA & SNPhA encourage modernization and continual updates to pharmacy management system software and increased third-party vendor accountability to reduce system errors, crashes, and improve interoperability; and

            NPhA & SNPhA encourage the training of pharmacists, pharmacy students, and technicians on management system software through the use of continuing education (CE) and modules by their employer; and

            NPhA & SNPhA encourage collaboration with the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) to advocate for the improvement of pharmacy management system software standards through their reporting website and monthly newsletter.

            2021 2021.16 NPhA & SNPhA encourage pharmacy health professionals to establish relationships and educate patients with chronic diseases on the use, and importance of, patient self-monitoring devices and telehealth; and
            Support increased public access to affordable broadband internet as needed necessary for effective telehealth.
            2021 2021.33 NPhA & SNPhA encourage pharmacy schools to train student pharmacists to provide effective telehealth services; and
            Support providing face-to-face or telehealth services that best fit the unique needs and circumstances of individual patients and institutions.
            2019 2019.26 NPhA and SNPhA support allied efforts between healthcare entities, governments, and private companies to advance the development of new cybersecurity technologies to reduce the risk of data hacks.
            2019 2019.27 NPhA and SNPhA encourage the profession to utilize their state’s Immunization Information Systems (IIS) database to ensure patients who receive vaccinations from different providers will have an accurate, accessible record, preventing both under-immunization and therapeutic duplication of vaccination services.  Furthermore, we support efforts to implement a national IIS database, accessible to pharmacists in any state, to provide equal benefits to patients who have relocated to a new state.
            2017 2017.22 - NPhA & SNPhA encourage the adding of current patient medication list to an online patient portal, including drug education leaflets to increase patient accessibility, knowledge, safety, and adherence to drug therapy regimen.
            2016 2016.23 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the additional access of electronic veterinary medicine references to enable appropriate prescriber and pet owner consultation to maximize positive outcomes in animals.
            2016 2016.24 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the education of students and pharmacists in drug information retrieval to achieve competency and efficiency in the professional field.
            2016 2016.25 - NPhA and SNPhA supports the use of telecommunication in improving patient-provider/ student-preceptor relationships.

            Third Party

             Year  Resolution
            20232023.23 NPhA & SNPhA support the Affordable Insulin Now Act.
            20232023.5 NPhA & SNPhA support the CMS ruling regarding the elimination of retroactive DIR fees charged by Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), thus increasing transparency for pharmacies and patients.
            2022 2022.9 NPhA & SNPhA support state AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), Ryan White, and all other funding resources to help cover HIV medications. Encouraging pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and student pharmacists discussion on billing processes in academic, workplace, and student organization settings to inform patients and colleagues of available resources for equitable healthcare for underserved patients.
            2021 2021.31 NPhA & SNPhA encourage the integration of third-party MTM vendors to serve as a link between pharmacies and patients’ health plans which would improve access to pertinent health information to ensure appropriate and accurate billing.
            2016 2016.26 - NPhA and SNPhA endorse and will assist the Pharmacist Recovery Networks in their missions and any organization catering to the treatment and prevention of addiction in the health care professional community. NPhA and SNPhA support the Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) efforts in order to provide rehabilitation services for the health care professional community.
            2014 2014.4 - NPhA and SNPhA support an establishment of a public health insurance option to help decrease health care costs and make health care affordable to more Americans. 


            Year  Resolution
            2014 2014.1 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support the incorporation of all pharmacy programs to include pharmacognosy in their curriculum. 
            2014 2014.2 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage the implementation of a medical Spanish elective as part of the curriculum of all pharmacy schools. 
            2014 2014.3 - NPhA and SNPhA discourage physicians from using TAD or UAD abbreviations and directions when prescribing to allow pharmacists to fully and properly counsel patients on their medication regimens. 
            2014 2014.5 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage physicians to collaborate with pharmacists to ensure the antibiotic selected when treating bacterial infection is appropriate for both the patient’s condition and potential pathogens. 
            2014 2014.6 - NPhA and SNPhA support counseling on Plan B prior to dispensing by the pharmacist.
            2014 2014.7 - NPhA and SNPhA support the logging of OTC and herbal medications on the patient's profile to further assist in the prevention of drug-drug interactions.
            2014 2014.8 - NPhA and SNPhA support efforts to educate target populations on lifestyle modifications. 
            2014 2014.9 - NPhA and SNPhA do NOT support the use of transfer coupons (coupons that offer discounts to patients if they switch pharmacies) between different retail stores. 
            2014 2014.10 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage pharmacists to provide medication therapy management is a needed resource following a catastrophic emergency. 
            2014 2014.11 - NPhA and SNPhA support providing patient education and counseling about the importance of proper vaccination especially early childhood, teenage and young adult timing of booster doses, along with age appropriate adult vaccinations. 
            2013 2013.1 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage the integration of immunization training and certification into the PharmD curriculum, as state laws allow.
            2013 2013.2 - NPhA and SNPhA support the immunization of females between the ages of 10 and 26 with Gardasil or Cervarix, as well as males between the ages of 9 and 26 with Gardasil; also, NPhA and SNPhA support full Third Party coverage for the Gardasil and Cervarix series.
            2013 2013.3 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support the need for clinical research and post-market surveillance on herbal medications, in order to obtain precise and inclusive information on this type of alternative medication offered to the public.
            2013 2013.4 - NPhA and SNPhA support raising awareness of poison control center services (which is free) to the public for emergency situations involving accidental ingestion of unintended medication
            2013 2013.5 - NPhA and SNPhA respect the religious, social, or personal beliefs of all patients or customers interacting with pharmacy employees in any aspect of communication or counseling..
            2013 2013.6 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage pharmacists to seek to be part of patient centered medical homes in order to utilize their knowledge base and accessibility to improve patient outcomes and prevent hospitalizations
            2013 2013.7 - NPhA and SNPhA support legislation that encourages an increase in the transparency within PBMs
            2013 2013.8 - NPhA and SNPhA support increased access to medically certified translators or medically approved translation programs.
            2013 2013.9 - NPhA and SNPhA support increased patient awareness of the importance of appropriate monitoring for warfarin, antiplatelet agents, insulin, and hypoglycemic agents and encourage pharmacists and student pharmacists alike, to take an active role as educators in order to minimize avoidable hospitalizations due to improper use of these drugs
            2013 2013.10 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage the profession to utilize their state’s Immunization Information Systems (IIS) database to ensure patients who receive vaccinations from different providers will have an accurate, accessible record, preventing both under-immunization and therapeutic duplication of vaccination services.
            2013 2013.11 - NPhA and SNPhA support and encourage the growth of the field of pharmacy informatics such that pharmacists are capable of refining and improving information systems through use of their clinical knowledge in order to advance patient care by ensuring that new technologies achieve safer and more effective medication usage
            2013 2013.12 - NPhA and SNPhA support efforts to educate the community on the process of becoming an organ donor for all disease states requiring donors
            2013 2013.13 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support the consolidation of MTM billing codes and the establishment of one universal process for MTM billing to ensure optimal documentation and reimbursement
            2012 2012.1 - NPhA and SNPhA support the implementation of patient assessment skills into all pharmacy programs.
            2012 2012.2 - NPhA and SNPhA support the inclusion of addiction awareness in the PharmD curriculum and as a new initiative to be adopted by pharmacy students to promote the role of the pharmacist in understanding addiction as a disease state. 
            2012 2012.3 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage and support the need for clinical research on herbal medications for precise and inclusive information.
            2012 2012.4 - NPhA and SNPhA support a more widespread promotion and education of the benefits of getting both the herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine and any other necessary vaccine in these age groups through the Operation Immunization initiative 
            2012 2012.5 - NPhA and SNPhA discourage physicians from using TAD or UAD abbreviations and directions when prescribing to allow pharmacists to fully and properly counsel patients on their medication regimens.
            2012 2012.6 - NPhA and SNPhA support the addition of a specialized certification process for pharmacy technicians who prepare radiopharmaceuticals
            2012 2012.7 - NPhA and SNPhA discourage the use of veterinary drugs in human patients.
            2012 2012.8 - NPhA and SNPhA recognize the need to inhibit grey markets in order to provide cost-effective, optimal medications for patients.
            2012 2012.9 - NPhA and SNPhA encourage a national implementation of age restriction of dextromethorphan purchases and/or limitation to behind the counter
            2012 2012.10 - NPhA and SNPhA support all legislation that recognizes pharmacists as healthcare providers along side of physicians, dieticians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurse midwives, and clinical social workers; and NPhA and SNPhA encourage that current legislation be amended to include pharmacist as providers.
            2012 2012.11 - NPhA and SNPhA endorse and will assist the Pharmacist Recovery Networks in their missions and any organization catering to the treatment and prevention of addiction in the health care professional community. 
            2012 2012.12 - NPhA and SNPhA advocate for legislative provision that allows for Pharmacist-Prescriber Collaborative Practice Agreements in all states and U.S. territories nationwide.
            2012 2012.13 - NPhA and SNPhA support the promotion of pharmacists’ involvement in the development, implementation, and maintenance of disease state treatment protocols and guidelines
            2012 2012.14 - NPhA and SNPhA support the development of a universal E-prescribing system for legend medications with adequate training for all participating providers in an attempt to combat prescription fraud and entry errors resulting in improper use. 
            2011 2011.1 - NPhA and SNPhA acknowledge that mental illness is as valid as physical illness and supports legislations pertaining to an increased financing of and improved access to mental health treatment.
            2011 2011.2 - NPhA and SNPhA oppose the expansion of nurse practitioners’ rights to include dispensing. 
            2011 2011.3 - NPhA and SNPhA support the establishment of private consultation areas in all pharmacies.
            2011 2011.4 - NPhA and SNPhA support the DEA’s “Take Back Day” for unused/expired medications, and NPhA and SNPhA encourage pharmacies to promote and assist in the process of this day as well as proper medication disposal.
            2011 2011.5 - NPhA and SNPhA support the Pharmacist Student Loan Repayment Eligibility Act of 2011 which provides eligible entities an important recruitment tool for pharmacists who are essential members of the health care team.
            2011 2011.6 - NPhA and SNPhA support the implementation of more protocol based clinical practices in the community and institutional settings regarding disease management and pharmacotherapy. 
            2011 2011.7 - NPhA and SNPhA strongly support healthcare models, such as the medical home, which incorporate the clinical skills of pharmacists in the provision of patient centered primary care.
            2011 2011.8 - NPhA and SNPhA support the FDA’s decisions to reduce the acetaminophen limit to 325 mg per prescription product and the new requirement of a boxed warning on all prescribed acetaminophen products. 
            2011 2011.9 - NPhA and SNPhA support the use of traditional and non-traditional settings, such as work sites, churches, schools, and community centers, to encourage sharing of health information and education within communities.


            July 1, 2022 | NPhA issues statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the decision through which the U.S. Supreme Court overruled both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey

            June 10, 2022 | NPhA joins with 92 other state and national pharmacy and public health organizations on joint letter to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary requesting policy clarifications to maintain public access to pandemic-related services at the nation's pharmacies. 

            May 8, 2022 | NPhA joins with 13 other national pharmacy organizations on joint letter to White House on test to treat plan and the need to modify EUAs for oral antivirals and remove limitation preventing pharmacists from ordering these medications. 

            July 23, 2021 | NPhA joins with over 50 organizations to issue joint statement supporting mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for healthcare workers and long-term care facility employees. 

            February 23, 2021 | NPhA, Society of Infectious Disease Pharmacists (SIDP) issue joint statement demanding equitable access to COVID-19 vaccine.  

            January 8, 2021 | NPhA issues statement on anti-democracy riot in Washington, DC

            October 9, 2020 | NPhA leads national pharmacy organizations in issuing an updated joint statement highlighting the collective actions these organizations have taken to address racial injustices, as well as those actions that remain in progress.

            September 4, 2020 | Public Listening Session: Discussion Draft of the Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine invited public comment on the Discussion Draft of the Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine, commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health. In the attached joint statement, NPhA joins with 12 other national pharmacy organizations to highlight that a successful vaccination distribution plan for the equitable allocation of COVID-19 vaccine(s) must involve all licensed pharmacists and pharmacies. This statement addresses the important role that pharmacists and pharmacies can play in addressing health care access and health disparities pertaining to COVID-19.  

            August 21, 2020 | "Immunization Providers Need to Work Together to Increase Access to Lifesaving Childhood Vaccines" | NPhA joins 11 other national pharmacy organizations to issue statement celebrating the U.S. Department of Human Services expanding the role of pharmacists in providing vaccines to children.

            June 5, 2020 | NPhA Leads National Pharmacy Organizations in Issuing Joint Statement Against Racial Injustice.

            April 3, 2020 | NPhA joins with other national pharmacy associations to issue a set of joint policy recommendations to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

            OUR MISSION

            The National Pharmaceutical Association is dedicated to representing the views and ideas of minority pharmacists on critical issues affecting healthcare and pharmacy, promoting racial and health equity, as well as advancing the standards of pharmaceutical care among all practitioners.

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