Fighting DiabetesFighting Diabetes is an initiative that aims to advance public knowledge about pre-diabetes and diabetes through education, collaboration, and partnerships with local and national community organizations. This initiative is led by Ms. Andrea Perez from the University of Texas at El Paso. Please contact her at fdchair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
Legislative, Membership Benefits, and ImmigrationThe Legislative/Membership Benefits National Initiative strives to promote equal rights and to advocate for underserved populations. The purpose of this initiative is to increase registered voters and also to address, educate, and advocate for legislation that positively impacts the profession of pharmacy and issues related to healthcare for all patients, including the minority and underserved populations. This initiative is dedicated to enforcing and advocating for legislation. This initiative is led by Mr. Joshua Morehead from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Please contact him at lmbichair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
Mental Health1 in 5 adults will struggle with a mental health issue this year alone. This is why it is important for us to feel equipped to talk patients about their mental health and Strengthen our own mental health so we can bring out the best in us all. Through this initiative, SNPhA Mental Health can break down barriers and change the way people everywhere embrace mental health. All of us are impacted in some capacity, from minority communities and veterans, to the elderly and the youth. This year, we encourage innovative outreach and inclusion of all communities to execute SNPhA's mission of serving the underserved. This initiative is led by Ms. Tonnah Fields-Johnson from Palm Beach Atlantic University. Please contact her at mhchair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
Operation ImmunizationThis initiative is an immunization awareness campaign designed to increase the public's knowledge of immunizations while increasing the number of adults and children receiving immunizations. By participating in this initiative, student pharmacists are helping the pharmacy profession in the fight against the growing incidence, morbidity, and mortality associated with vaccine-preventable diseases. Student pharmacists are also furthering the image of pharmacists as active members in the healthcare community. Collaborations with other healthcare professionals also serve to develop better interprofessional relationships. This initiative is led by Mr. Charles Ajala from the University of Georgia. Please contact him at oichair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
Project KeepsakeIn 2007, the Chronic Kidney Disease Initiative (CKD) was started by a former SNPhA Regional Facilitator Cornetta Levi, Pharm. D. and Abbvie Medical Science Liaisons, Nana Wiafe, Pharm. D. and Janinah Barreto, Pharm. D. The purpose of the initiative is to implement programs and projects to make people aware of the health disparities in chronic kidney disease and to utilize all resources to educate those at a higher risk about the prevalence, prevention, treatment, and management of the underlying causes of CKD. This initiative is led by Ms. Magdalene Mallory from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Please contact her at pkchair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
Power to End StrokeThe Power to End Stroke initiative’s mission is to empower pharmacy students through patient and survivor advocacy, implement educational events, and promote social change to establish health equities in communities with higher risks of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. This initiative is led by Ms. Chankira Mike from Mercer University. Please contact her at pteschair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
Remember the RibbonThe Remember the Ribbon initiative is dedicated to improving the health and social environment of underserved communities in regards to the HIV/AIDS epidemic through awareness, prevention, and education. We hope to build upon the work of our previous years and go even further in the mission to break down barriers. We hope to accomplish this by creating challenges that bring the topic of HIV/AIDs to the forefront, increasing PrEP education and building new partnerships. Our vision is to fight the stigma and improve the health outcomes of those living with HIV/AIDS while reducing the rate of new infections through education. This initiative is led by Mr. Neal Buranday from the University of Texas at Austin. Please contact him at rtrchair@snpha.org for any concerns. |
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