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2025 Convention Exhibiting Opportunities

  • August 02, 2025
  • August 03, 2025
  • Northern Kentucky Convention Center
  • 24


  • An exhibitor category reserved for educational institutions (such as colleges of pharmacy), as well as nonprofit organizations, including other national, regional, and state pharmacy associations.
  • A exhibitor category reserved for sole proprietorships and small businesses owned and operated by NPhA members.



Exhibiting Opportunities

As an exhibitor for the 2025 NPhA | SNPhA Convention, your company, organization, or small business will have the opportunity to interact with hundreds of practitioners and pharmacy students. Our convention attendees come from diverse backgrounds and practice in a wide variety of geographical locations, including underserved areas. 

This is an outstanding opportunity to promote your products and services, build brand awareness, and create new connections with current and future leaders in pharmacy!

Exhibit show dates/location: Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd, 2025 | Northern Kentucky Convention Center

Available Booth Packages:
  • Corporate Exhibitor: $4,500
  • Educational Institution/Nonprofit Organization: $2,750
  • Small Business/Sole Proprietorship: $1,500*
  • Post-Graduate Showcase: $750 (no dedicated interview space) or $1,250 (with dedicated interview space) See below for more information. 

*Exhibitors registering under this category must be 1) owned by a current NPhA Member, and 2) a sole proprietorship and/or small business with 10 or fewer total employees.

All booth packages include:

  • 10' x 10' (or similar) inline booth space in any standard drape color**
  • Back wall & Side Rail Drape
  • 7" x 44" Standard Booth ID Sign**
  • (1) 6' x 30" Skirted Table
  • (2) Side Chairs
  • (1) Recyclable Wastebasket
** Specifications for booth size and signage dimensions may change slightly as we work to finalize arrangements with our 2025 exhibit management vendor

Two [2] representatives are included in the registration fee for each booth space for corporate and educational institution/nonprofit organization exhibitors.

One [1] representative is included for small business/sole proprietorship exhibitors.

Post-Graduate Showcase booths do not include a booth representative registration and must be staffed by individuals who have purchased a Convention registration.

Need a larger booth? Space permitting, exhibitors may purchase multiple booths and combine them. Contact us for more information and to check availability. (This option is not available for Post-Graduate Showcase booths.)

Additional booth representatives? Additional booth representative badges are available for $150 each. This fee will be waived if the additional representative is registered as a Convention attendee. Please note that an exhibitor representative badge is not equivalent to a Convention registration. Admission to all non-exhibit functions, including continuing education sessions, requires a full Convention registration.

New for 2025! During this year's Convention, we are offering the SNPhA/NPhA Post-Graduate Showcase as an addition to our normal exhibit. This is an opportunity for residency programs, fellowship programs, and other accredited postgraduate programs to meet with candidates to discuss program opportunities and exchange information. All programs will be required to add a link to their website or brochure detailing their program for candidates. We will also provide programs with a separate space in the exhibit hall to conduct interviews with candidates onsite for an additional fee of $500, with all scheduling being handled by programs and not SNPhA/NPhA.

Who should attend?

  • P4 students seeking out post-graduate opportunities for 2026
  • P1-P3 students interested in meeting with programs to get an early start on post-graduate opportunities
  • New practitioners looking for postgraduate opportunities

The Showcase will take place during the same hours as the Exhibit. 


For questions, please contact NPhA at or by phone at 480.405.9291.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of exhibitor registration must be requested in writing to NPhA at 10810 N. Tatum Blvd. Ste. 102-965, Phoenix, AZ 85028, or via email to, and must be received no later than July 1, 2025, at 11:59pm EDT to receive a partial refund less applicable administrative fees listed below. If you register on or after July 1, 2025, no refunds will be granted. There are no full refunds on exhibitor registration at any time. 

An amount equal to 10 percent of the exhibit booth purchase price will be considered to be the non-refundable deposit and will be retained by NPhA as an administrative fee in the event of a refund request. As an alternative to a refund, a company may apply the full amount of the payment made to the purchase of a booth at the following year's Convention. 


National Pharmaceutical Association

480.405.9291 | Email Us

10810 N. Tatum Blvd. Ste 102-965

Phoenix, AZ 85028



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Pharmaceutical Association

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P.O. 22305

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