Alabama | Florida | Georgia | Mississippi
North Carolina | South Carolina | Tennessee | Virgin Islands
After providing important NPhA updates, Dr. Houston will be leading a virtual workshop on pharmacist-related use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT. Get a real-time look at how AI tools can help you achieve your goals - and quicker.
Learn about the capabilities of AI tools and how they can provide personalized learning experiences for pharmacists.
Improve communication with patients and other professionals by generating automated responses to common questions and concerns.
Explore how AI tools can be used for marketing your personal brand and thought leadership, such as generating emails, social media posts, blog posts, and email newsletters.
Don't miss this opportunity to take your learning, communication, and marketing skills to the next level!
All NPhA Members, regardless of Zone, are welcome to join for the entire session!
Stay in the loop. Check out the Zone II Newsletter Here!
Questions? Please contact Zone 2 Director Shantel Houston at shantel.houston@npha.net.
Important Note: This webinar will be conducted using the Zoom platform. Your confirmation email will include instructions for accessing the meeting.